#CarrieOn : Need
“What’s best for the kids?” That is a question that all good (top notch, I would wager) school administrators FIRST ask when teachers or boosters or community members or club leaders come to them with requests/campaigns.
When we look at what our kids need, we have to be BRAVE enough to really (and I do mean *really*) look at what they genuinely n-e-e-d.
My kids need a safe school.
My kids need accessible food.
My kids need alternative clothing options when what they own fails them.
My kids need health services.
My kids need social/emotional services.
My kids need adults they can count on that will advocate FOR them in any way the NEED us to.
My kids need me to guarantee that all of the above will happen.
(NOTE: I am the proud mother of two beautiful daughters. Those are my children. When I refer to “my kids” I am referring to the hundreds of students who have, currently are and will in the future be members of our school community)
Only after ALL of those needs are met can we crack open their craniums and begin educating them on the standards that the State of Ohio and the US Department of Education deem appropriate for the educational experience.
It’s a remarkable challenge. It’s daunting. But it’s NOT impossible.
Having been a public school administrator for nearly a decade, I waver regularly back and forth between the assumed (note carefully chosen word: assumed) responsibilities of schools vs that of parents/guardians. Today, in this subzero winter climate I am back to the side of wanting to provide for the basic needs to all humans in my scope of care. As my Superintendent weathered (pun intended) tremendous scrutiny this week over his decisions to NOT close as well as close school due to weather I cannot help but ache for the 50% of my school population that has been identified as Economically Disadvantaged who will not receive the warmth and food and support and care that our school provides when school is closed.
“If not us, then who?”
Our ultimate commitment as educators is to influence the construction of better human beings, stronger members of our communities and improved societies. Can we do that? Absolutely!! WILL we? I venture to say: Yes, we are.
Policy makers and political leaders do not make this care easy. But those of us who want to are finding ways to achieve it.
“What’s best for the kids?” Bravely listening to their needs. Providing for their needs. Meeting their needs. And then….we TEACH.
School leaders out there – please be brave for YOUR kids. Don’t be afraid to be the adult who WILL meet their needs. Don’t be afraid to publicly share the needs of your kids. Don’t be afraid to make the needs of your kids a priority of your school. #CarrieOn