Carrie In The News



The OAESA team worked collaboratively with the administrators from OASSA: "The collaboration amongst the Ohio teams to advocate for the needs of school leaders was second to none. Ohio has a profoundly strong team; " OAESA President-Elect Carrie Sanchez said.


June 2019: Deborah Kasak Distinguished Leadership Award

Sanchez was the first principal in the United States to receive The Deborah Kasak Distinguished Leadership Award at The Annual National Forum to Accelerate Middle-Grades Reform national conference in Washington, D.C.

Article in Fremont News Messenger
Article in The Beacon

April 2019: Leadership Ottawa County - LeadershiP award

In 2019 Sanchez was awarded the "Exemplary Leadership Alumni Award" from Leadership Ottawa County. Sanchez graduated from the Leadership Ottawa County program in 2016 and has served as the Program Director since 2017.



May 2018: Leadership of Ottawa County - Program director

13 year Program Director veteran, Marcia Jess concluded her service to Leadership Ottawa County in 2016. It was at that time Sanchez earned the honor of filling Jess's role. Continuing the 20 year tradition of fostering the development of leaders throughout Ottawa County (Ohio) Sanchez leads classes of 15-20 aspiring local leaders each year.

Article in USA Today


Port Clinton Middle School Principal Carrie Sanchez joined fellow leaders from some of our country’s top schools on a visit to Chinese schools that was both a humbling experience and an opportunity to both learn and share about middle level education.

The 10-day trip to China in October was part of a partnership between the National Forum to Accelerate Middle-Grades Reform and the Chinese Education Connection. American principals shared professional development sessions with nearly 200 Chinese school leaders to enhance and improve middle level education.

Article in Port Clinton News Herald
Article in Sandusky Register


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May 2017: Grand marshal port clinton memorial day parade

Sanchez was named by Main Street Port Clinton as the Grand Marshal of the 2017 Port Clinton Memorial Day Parade.

JulY 2016: United Way / TNT Mentoring

Sanchez was featured as a mentor with her mentee, Ryan, in 2016. TNT Mentoring ("Til-Next-Time") is an integral part of the Port Clinton community.

TNT Mentoring program in Ottawa County allows young students, like Ryan, to be connected with working professionals, who will serve as their mentor through school and beyond. Everything from study help to general life advice.


March 2015: Northwest Region Excellence Award for Outstanding Leadership

Sanchez was honored by The Ohio School Boards Association with the Northwest Region Excellence Award for Outstanding Leadership.

Article in Port Clinton News Herald