#CarrieOn : Honor

This evening I was watching a news broadcast highlighting US military veterans and their service to our country.  Their commitment and dedication to our country was palpable.  Their pride in their service was amazing.  Watching those men talk about their experiences, their bravery and their comrades really touched my heart.  

It made me wonder:  Do we still have honor in this country?

The men in that news broadcast did not deserve the pain and challenges and fear and trauma they endured serving our country and ensuring our freedoms.  Instead, they readily accepted whatever fate awaited them because of the deep honor they felt serving our country.  There was no sacrifice too great.  The honor to serve outweighed any negative that arose.  Any negative from the Korean War.  Any negative from either World War.  Any negative from the Vietnam War or the Persian Gulf War.  Honor and pride were greater than anything else.  Honor overshadowed everything, including death.

We live in a world riddled with entitlement and deservedness.  “I deserve” is a comment I struggle with when I hear it.  In my humble opinion EVERYONE ‘deserves’ a chance or opportunity.  After that, the products of your efforts are on you.  I believe that honor is derived from the intensity that comes with hard work and sacrifice and dedication and commitment.  Honor comes from an investment bigger than yourself.

As leaders, the mindset of service to others will enhance our work exponentially.  As leaders, it is an honor to serve others.  One cannot lead selfishly.  One cannot lead for their own personal gain...at least not successfully.  As a leader, you must carry the honor of service with you in every instance.  What greater honor is there than to lead others to excel?  To achieve?  To persevere?

Do we still have honor in this country?  Absolutely yes.  As today’s leaders, we are indebted to those who led before us.  We are responsible for those who will come after us.  We will serve ~ with honor. #CarrieOn


Carrie Sanchez