#CarrieOn : Goals

We are a goal-oriented society.  We like goals.  We like achieving goals.

Sometimes we forget how hard it is to REACH our goals...and in the midst of the journey sometimes we change the goal...or sometimes we just eliminate it altogether.

I believe many will agree with me that once you achieve and goal and reflect back, you realize that the goal was not as important as the journey.  That’s important.  It’s even more important when you set your goal because you need to develop a plan that will allow you to be successful throughout the entire process.  Success does not come by accident.

Identify your WHY at the onset of your goal setting.  Whatever your motivation is, you need to remember that WHY because during the journey the challenges will cloud your path.  Write it.  Post it.  See it often. (dry erase marker on my bathroom mirror is my favorite)

Next, make a plan.  A plan is not merely a calendar of events.  I encourage you not only to include a timeline, but create a list of actionable steps. Daily, weekly, monthly steps ~ depending on the longevity of your goal.  This intentional act will make reaching your goal exponentially more attainable.

Try this:

In order to make progress towards my goal, today I will: _________

In order to be successful this week, I need to: _________

For me to reach my goal I must:




A compilation of smaller victories will spur you on in the days that become heavy.  Discouragement is the poison that destroys motivation.  Protect yourself from that by establishing a plan with purpose.  Progress is the fuel needed to overcome adversity. #CarrieOn

After all, “A goal without a plan is just a wish” ~ Antoine De Sainte-Exupery


Carrie Sanchez