#CarrieOn : Anticipation
Anticipation is an energy that we so often mistake for nerves or anxiousness or fear. As we emerge upon this season of excitement ~ anticipation is a common thread that brings a fresh energy level to every aspect of our lives. The unknown. The fulfilled wish. The eagerness.
The world is fueled by anticipation - but the results are short-lived. Newly released movies. New video games. Even new books. The anticipation is quickly thwarted by those “spoiler alerts” that really are not alerts at all ~~ but are certainly spoilers.
As educators, we are blessed to have the energy of anticipation infiltrate our lives in many ways. Anticipation comes with the new school year or the new term. A new course. A new seating chart. The upcoming “freshness” of something new inherently generates anticipation.
Consequently, we educators also have the joy of using anticipation as a tool, a lever, or a hook.
Truth be told, the joy that is associated with anticipation is just as exciting for educators as it is for our students. We look forward to the reinvention, the rejuvenation, the fresh start. We equally look forward to the anticipation of our students. Our anticipation comes from their anticipation. Anticipation is a natural resource that fuels itself!
My thought for this topic is simply this: do not underestimate the power of anticipation. Enjoy it. Revel in it. Leverage it. This is where laughter and amazement come from. This is where you spark the ideas and the energy that lie deep within your students. This is where you as school leaders rejuvenate teachers who simply long for the quick shot of “fresh air’ to make it through the next season.
As we close this year and look to the next, how can you foster genuine anticipation? Where will the excitement build? What’s next? I can’t wait to see… #CarrieOn